iNilAh BaRiSAn AnTarA KOmAnDer jPaM UItM sHah AlAm..pErtAhANaN aWAm dA bEz!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
~mY LOvElY CS 225~
~xtw r nk kater pe,kls ktorg nih uish mmg kaki ponteng r..hehe..dhla sket org jek,kaki ponteng pn..kdr kepontengan ktorg ag obvious bler ktorg combine ngn grup len..grup len mst jrg r nk,spe suh ktorg combine ngn grup len yg tnggi kdr kerajinannyer..hoho..sesi kutukn klazmate ku tamat..wahaha..
Posted by ::W.A.N.I.E:: at 9:19 AM 0 comments
~juSt FoR HIm~
~NeVer gIvE Up oN LoVe~
~eVeRyThInG HaPPeNs FoR A rEAsOn~
~If yOu ArE mEaN TO bE wItH thAt PerSoN,ThENNoTHinG WIll gET iN yoUr WAys tO bE TOgEThER~
~WaItINg TO bE WIth SumONe MAy SEEm a LonG tiME bUT thE tIMe You Get To SPenT WiTH sPecIaL suM oNe IS So MucH loNGer N moRE rEWarDinG ThAn The waIt EveR Was~
~eVeRyThInG HaPPeNs FoR A rEAsOn~
~If yOu ArE mEaN TO bE wItH thAt PerSoN,ThENNoTHinG WIll gET iN yoUr WAys tO bE TOgEThER~
~WaItINg TO bE WIth SumONe MAy SEEm a LonG tiME bUT thE tIMe You Get To SPenT WiTH sPecIaL suM oNe IS So MucH loNGer N moRE rEWarDinG ThAn The waIt EveR Was~
Posted by ::W.A.N.I.E:: at 9:11 AM 0 comments
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